Science and Communication

Created: 2023.08.21. 12:27
Modified: 2024.04.19. 11:19

Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty, University of Novi Sad is organizing its annual conference titled Science and Communication.


Date: November 9-10, 2023

Address: Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Subotica, Strossmayer str. 11, Serbia



The Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica organizes its international conference every year in three different categories (interdisciplinary, methodological, ICT tools in education). This year's conference is also divided into the above mentioned three sections, however with a central topic, inviting different approaches in research and analysis of science and communication.


In the age after the digital revolution it has become a common place and a widespread practice that the unquestionable dominance of digital culture radically reorganized our contact with reality, spaces of life and perception, and together with that, our communication habits. New platforms play deciding role in storage, sharing and creating of information, they function along an alternative medial logic, which significantly changes forms of knowledge in general. A relatively new system of relations, beyond challenges of the digital age... It is not an overstatement either to talk about crisis, as discovering unknown zones offering a perspective for cognition (may) lead to the destruction of earlier interrelations, which were recognized as a principle.


Data retrieved during everyday surfing on the Internet, fragments related to each other or only in  loose correlation, multiplied by every single click often lead to unprocessable, coherently incommunicable „knowledge”, while the social practice of sharing this knowledge serves as a wider context for institutionalized science. If we do not analyze the logic of digital code from a disciplinary aspect and we proceed from the effects of the functioning of code in a new communicative situation, which is not to be detached from the internet and trivial conventions and reflexes of our network based existence, the way we consciously or unconsciously get informed and get in touch, the question however emerges: can this affect methodology of different scientific fields and their discourses, and along with this, the stream of research? If yes, how?


At the same time, the role of live discourse is still significant in many segments of society. First of all, if one focuses on the process of education, it is obvious that parallelly to the spreading of digital communication, the medial role of verbal communication is inevitable, as well as its function as a source of information. Significant part of the challenges of scientific methodologies, many aspects of the creation of verbal utterances:this is where comprehension and language use still get an important role.


This year’s conference attempts to approach the relation between communication and science from more aspects of different scientific disciplines. Within this framework we would like to focus on the following topics:

  • Digital revolution, economic and social effects of the development of information and communication.
  • Digital shift, digital communication in science. New research fields: digital space, databases, data mining, phishing and visualization. Online space as a research topic. Methodology and ethical questions of research in the new environment.
  • Cultural effects of online space and online communication. Visuality of digital communication, new forms, the language and artistic aspects of nonverbal communication.
  • Effects of ICT tools in communication. Medium-shift. The question of secondary orality.
  • Communication and media sciences. Scientists of new media: news and fake news, science and pseudo-science in social media.
  • Digital pedagogy, new classroom and distant learning methodologies. Pedagogical communication in the new surroundings. Challenges in development of communication competences, comprehension, text creation, problem solving, artistic creation, discourses of disciplinary methodology in the 21st century.
  • Changes in education and communication thanks to the ICT tools. New possibilities for contacting and networking for lecturers and students. Positive and negative effects of ICT tools.


We are inviting your contribution to our Conference in 2023 in terms of interdisciplinary scientific and theoretical, methodologicalpresentations and papers, within the framework of pedagogy, methodology and ICT tools. 

Except for the above mentioned ones, other topics are welcome, as well!



Abstracts of conference presentations are going to be published in a book of abstracts, while complete papers will be published in an e-book.



Conference fee:

Conference fee is 100 EUR (or the equivalent in Serbian dinar), which includes conference materials (book of abstracts, e-book) and catering. Upon payment, transfer expenses are to be covered by the applicant.



Conference registration:

Participants are invited to submit their e-applications which also include the title and abstract of their papers (no longer than 1000 characters) as well as (maximum 5) keywords in one of the conference languages (Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, English). 



We accept applications between September 1-20, 2023. Completed registration form and conference fee payment form should be sent to the

Letter of acceptance of your abstract is due about September 25.



Application: September 1-20, 2023

Conference fee payment: September 1-30, 2023

Submitting full papers: November 1-15, 2023

Reviews: December 15, 2023


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