Created: 2020.04.01. 22:25
Modified: 2022.09.23. 10:25

International Scientific Conference of the University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica

Date: 15–17 October, 2020

Place: Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica, 11 Strossmayer Street

Throughout the last ten years, beside its continuous effort to ensure high quality of university education, the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica responds to various didactic and methodological challenges as well as develops the scientific and theoretical framework of the profession. Thus, three serial international scientific conferences were founded:

  • International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference
  • International Methodological Scientific Conference
  • International Conference on ICT in Education

In 2019, the conference aims to focus on the various aspect of the following topic:


Axiology, the philosophical study of value, is a field of scientific study referring to values which do not start from themselves, rather come from existing principles of evaluation in the outside world. This way axiology demands not only ethical, but also logical, cognitive-theoretical and existential perspective in observation. When speaking about values and value system, we refer to categories like love, peace, friendship, health and life. According to our value system we define our goals, however, our values are also influenced by our spiritual and educational development. According to Janek Musek, values are structured according to a hierarchicalorder: inner (spiritual growth), moral (taking responsibility) and hedonistic (related to pleasures). An ever greater gap between generations induced research in South-Eastern Europe in the seventies, and the results have shown that there were great differences in value orientation. According to research results in this region, traditional and conservative value orientations dominated, full of traditionalism, authority, holistic approach and collectivism. While taking a closer look at contemporary social trends, one will face an ever greater change in the dynamics of value orientation, while the generational gap is narrowing. This way, rapid changes in value orientation may seem confusing with almost untenable interrelations in everyday life and educational-pedagogical practice, as (non)understanding between generations is piling up.

This is the reason why we would like to ask everyone who take part in the process of education to make an attempt for researching this phenomenon from their own perspective. This way we might demystify moves and changes in value orientations of newer generations, with whom we are in an everyday interaction. Thus, we may contribute to the understanding of new, younger generations, as well as to a better and more concise vision of teachers’ and pedagogues’ efforts.

Let us share our thoughts, attitudes and experiences about mobility, as this will support everything mentioned above.

The conference topic will be discussed in three main sessions; to be specific from a general interdisciplinary and methodological aspect as well as from the perspective of ICT in education.

The conference is open for all participants who show interest in elaborating on the topic of challenges in contemporary education. We remain at your disposal for any further questions.

We are looking forward welcoming you in Subotica.

Yours sincerely,
Josip Ivanović, Professor
31 March, 2020




International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

15 October 2020 (Thursday)

09.00 – 09.30 Registration for the participants of the Interdisciplinary Conference

09.45 – 10:00 Opening session

10:00 – 10.45  Plenary presentation

10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 13:30  Presentations in sessions

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 18.30 Presentations in sessions

18.30 –   Dinner


International Methodological Scientific Conference and International Conference on ICT in Education

16 October, 2020 (Friday)

08.30 – 09.00 Registration for the participants of the Methodological Conference and ICT in Education Conference

09.00 – 09.15 Opening session

09.15 – 10.15  Plenary presentation

10.15– 10.30 Coffee break

10.30 –13.30  Presentations in sessions

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 18.30 Presentations in sessions

18.30 –   Dinner


17 October, 2020 (Saturday)
   10.00 – Cultural program



Conference registration:

Participants are invited to submit their e-applications which also include the title and abstract of their papers (no longer than 1000 characters) as well as (maximum 5) keywords in one of the conference languages (Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian) as well as in English. 


Registration fee:

The registration fee is 60 Euros (or its RSD equivalent) for all participants, which should be paid until 1 August, 2020.

Bank Wire Transfer and other related fees have to be paid by the registrant.


Deadline for application and abstract submission: 15 June, 2020

Deadline for paper submission: 15 July, 2020


Guidelines for paper submission: LINK

Authors are responsible for linguistic and grammatical correctness of their manuscripts, thus authors are recommended to have their manuscripts linguistically edited. Each manuscript is evaluated by two reviewers, upon whose manuscript evaluations the authors are notified.

If any of the guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the paper will be returned to the authors. Only papers that were presented and whose authors paid the registration fee will be published in the volume of conference papers.


Publication of papers and abstracts:

Volume of abstracts will be published (CIP, ISBN number) in a printed format. The volume of papers (following their review) will be published in a PDF- format, as an e-publication (CIP, ISBN and UDK number) on the faculty website.



The conference organizers will at the participants’ disposal should they seek assistance in booking or finding accommodation in Subotica. The registration fee also includes two lunches and one dinner for each participant. The conference will be held at the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica (also referred to as the Yellow House, 11 Strossmayer Street).


Further information:
ТЕL: +381 24 624 444


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